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音声をお聴きになるには、Macromedia社の Flash Player が必要です。
1) まず5番目の 100% Natural-Speed Jump(元の速さ)を聴いてください。これが基準のスピードになります。
2) 次に、1番目の 150% Hyper-Speed Skip を聴いてください。

2番目の 150% Hyper-Speed Jump、
3番目の 180% Hyper-Speed Jump、
4番目の 200% Hyper-Speed Jump と、聴き進んでください。

3) 最後にもう一度、100% Natural-Speed Jumpを聴きます。
ナチュラルスピードの英語がスローモーションのように聴こえるはずです!これは、ハイスピード音声で脳が活性化して、あなたに驚異の <動体聴力> が備わった結果なのです!

でも、この音声はほんの一部。とにかく試聴CDをご請求ください! <動体聴力>の本当の凄さが体感できます!

Wild Horses

Anchor: We close tonight with creatures of the wild in this country. Wild horses-mustangs-roaming the West. You, and your children, and your grandchildren may see a lot fewer of them in years to come. CBS's John Blackstone reports it's not an act of nature that could take them away. It's an act of Congress.

Reporter: They now run free in only the most rugged and desolate parts of the West. Still, wild horses bring a sense of grandeur to the barren landscape, and a lingering nostalgia for what the West once was. But now another disturbing image is presenting itself, with the possibility wild horses could be sold for slaughter.

Conrad Burns: We've got a lot of horses; in fact, we've got too many of 'em.

Reporter: Montana Senator Conrad Burns has removed thirty-three years of federal protection for wild horses, with a provision tucked into the huge spending bill just approved by Congress.

Conrad Burns: Because we appropriate a lot of money for the maintenance of these herds, and, uh, and so, why not?

Reporter: But critics say Burns used the spending bill to avoid debate and opposition from horse lovers across the country, people like Maureen Pinto.

Maureen Pinto: If we're supposed to be about freedom, the wild horse is the best symbol of freedom there is.
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